Unit 3 lớp 9: Language focus | Hay nhất Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh 9

Unit 3: A trip to the countryside

Video giải Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 3 A trip to the countryside – Language focus – Cô Lê Thị Nhật Bình (Giáo viên VietJack)

Language focus (Trang 28-29-30-31 SGK Tiếng Anh 9)

1. What do these people wish? Write the sentences. (Những người này mơ ước điều gì? Viết câu.)

Gợi ý:

a. Ba wishes he could have a new bicycle.

b. Hoa wishes she could visit her parents.

c. I wish I could pass the exam.

d. We wish it couldn’t rain.

e. He wishes he could fly.

f. They wish they could stay in Hue.

2. Work with a partner. (Thực hành với một bạn cùng học.)

Look at Mr Thanh’s itinerary for his business trip to Singapore. Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions in the box. (Nhìn vào lộ trình của Ông Thanh trong chuyến công tác đến Singapore. Hoàn chỉnh các câu. Dùng giới từ trong khung.)

Gợi ý:

a. Mr. Thanh leaves Ha Noi at 2 pm.

b. He arrives in Singapore on Monday evening.

c. On Tuesday morning, there is a meeting between 11 am and 1 pm.

d. On Wednesday, Mr Thanh has appointments till 10 pm.

e. He returns to the hotel after 10 pm.

f. He will be in Singapore from Monday up to Thursday.

3. Complete the sentences with ON, AT, IN, FOR (Hoàn thành các câu với ON, IN, AT, FOR).

a. Goodbye. See you on Monday.

b. The bus collected us at o’clock early in the morning.

c. We usually go to our home village at least once in the summer.

d. We walked for half an hour to reach the waterfall.

e. They planned to have the trip in June.

f. She loves to watch the stars at night.

4. Match the half-sentences. Then write the fill sentences in your exercise book. (Ghép các nửa câu. Sau đó viết câu đầy đủ vào vở bài tập của em.)

1-e: Hoa studied hard, so she passed the exam.

2-a: Lan is going to be in a play, so she has to learn the story.

3-d: Nga is sick today, so she won’t go to school.

4-b: Na woke up late, so she didn’t have time for breakfast.

5-c: Mrs Robinson has to cook dinner, so she is going to market now.

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